Rock Hill, SC Branch

Welcome to the Rock Hill Branch.

2025 marks the 100th year since the establishment of the  Rock Hill Branch of AAUW.

 A celebration is being planned for March 13, 2025

The branch  has an illustrious history of accomplishments supporting equity in education, access to,  and education on, women’s health care, comprehensive sex education in public schools, and the passage of the ERA.  To this end the branch had a long period of one on one interaction with state legislators.  The branch also raised money to build 3 AAUW endowed fellowships/grants that help American and International  women achieve their educational goals.  More than 30 years ago, the branch organized a women’s investment club which was spun off as an independent group and which continues to this day.

Branch Meetings and Activities

The branch  meets once per month from September to May.  The focus of the meetings varies, but a typical meeting might include half hour of social time followed by a presentation by an expert.   This is followed by lively discussion and conversation about how our branch can engage further in the topic.  Occasionally, ZOOM  substitutes for  an in-person  meeting.

In addition , the branch has two book groups, a lunch group, and continues a 43 year Great Decisions foreign policy discussion group. The branch has recently received SC AAUW grants to support local STEM projects and has contributed to the Winthrop University food pantry.

Meeting location:   All meetings 2024-25 are  held  at the Clubhouse at the Village at India Hook at 6pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month except  December which is on the first Thursday.

Interested in joining us or in finding out more? We welcome your inquiries.  Please contact one of the following branch leaders.

Marsha Bollinger (co-president):

Marlene Milstead (co-president):

Barbara Kurz (treasurer):

The Fall 2024 schedule:   

Sept. 12:  What’s Up This Year; Covered Dish Social

October 10:   Debra Dahlin, past Chair of the York County Library Board spoke on local policy regarding challenged reading materials

November 14:  Two Winthrop women students who attended a national leadership training organized by national AAUW  (by ZOOM)

December 5:  Holiday Evening and Fundraiser for AAUW funds and local projects with Covered Dish dinner, continuing a 45+year tradition

Examples of previous year’s  branch meetings and activities:

Challenging the Movement to Ban Books: Pat Scales, nationally recognized authority on book banning activities and legislation

A Personal Journey and Lessons in Influencing Public Policy: Kathy Pender, past Rock Hill City Council member

Julia Robinson Math Festival (Winthrop University): AAUW co-sponsored and provided registration assistance