Greenville, SC Branch

Welcome to AAUW Greenville County, SC

Welcome to the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Greenville County, of South Carolina website. The Greenville County branch was established in 1919 by a group of educators (public school teachers and faculty at the Greenville Woman’s College, now part of Furman University).

In addition to the Greenville Public Library, the Greenville branch started annual arts fair, which has over time morphed in the Artisphere. The Greenville branch also sponsored candidate forums for school board elections and had a large annual book fair. Seven state presidents have come from this branch.

Members are drawn from the area of Greenville County.

Notices of meetings are emailed to members with specific information on the topic and location. In addition to our regular meetings, we have a book club which meets the second Wednesday of each month at noon at Holly Tree Country Club. Our focus is to support education and equity for women and girls.

We also encourage branch participation in our state organization, especially the Legislative Day in February and annual meetings. We also join with other local organizations, including the League of Women Voters to sponsor joint meetings.

Keep up with us on Facebook.

For membership information, please contact Branch President, Marilyn Barr, at  Dues include membership in the national association, state ($10) and local branch ($10). All but $3.00 of the dues paid to national are tax deductible.

paragraph_separatorBranch Leaders

Marilyn Barr, President                                                                                                            
(757) 870-4127

Scott McLallen, Treasurer                                                                                                        
(315) 408-4793

Noralee Robert, Diversity/International                                                                                
(864) 268-0789

Erika Montandon, STEM Chair                                                                                                
(315) 486-8410