Gaffney, SC Branch

Welcome to the AAUW Gaffney, SC, Branch Website!

The Gaffney Branch was founded in 1927 primarily through the efforts of Limestone College faculty, the sixth branch to be organized in South Carolina. The founding members believed it was important for educated women to continue to grow intellectually and to use their intellect for the betterment of their community and country. The founding members thought it was equally important for a college town to have an AAUW branch and for a college to be associated with an AAUW organization.

The Gaffney Branch began with ten members. All ten enthusiastically attended the 1927 state convention in Columbia. A big undertaking for larger and more established branches, the Gaffney Branch was asked to host the spring convention. It gladly accepted the request.

In 1975 our branch spearheaded the organization of the Cherokee County Recycling Center. For 15 years the branch manned the recycling center until 1990 when it was turned over to the county. To encourage the county to take over recycling, AAUW contributed $3000.00 from recycling profits for a recycling coordinator.

Branch activities have been continuous and significant for Gaffney. Highlights include helping start the Town and Gown series, helping start a children’s department and a children’s hour in the public library, spearheading the organization of the Cherokee County Laubach Literacy society, tutoring in the Laubach program, supporting a pilot kindergarten program in the public schools, spearheading the campaign for securing funds for a new public library, starting the Cherokee County Friends of the Library, and starting an education and voter registration campaign.

Each year we have a diverse list of interesting programs and invite the public to participate. Also, in the spring of each year we have an Awards Dinner and recognize the top performing female at Limestone College and the two county high schools, as well as the recipient of our Named Gift award.

We invite you to join us as we continue to advance equality for women and girls through advocacy, education and research. For more information please contact Betsy Witt at 488-8288 or

paragraph_separator2023-2024 Branch Officers

President Janet Sarratt 764-489-1606
Finance Kathy Phillips

paragraph_separator2023-2024 Branch Programs

Date Program and Speaker Location and Time Hostess